1 cup mixed salad leaves
6 medium shallots
80g halloumi, cut into 1cm dice
60g walnut, roasted and cut in half
2 beetroot
Wrap the beetroot in tinfoil and roast at 160 degrees until tender, remove the tinfoil and peel the beetroot, the skin should just pull off. Cut each beetroot into six wedges and keep warm until needed.
Cut the shallots in half and roast until golden and caramelized, then add the Haloumi and lightly colour in the oven.
Arrange the beetroot, walnuts, shallots and Haloumi on your plate, drizzle with Frenchmaid Balsamic Vinaigrette and finish with small dots of Frenchmaid Creamy Aioli around the salad.
Garnish with salad leaves and serve.