
Sep 16, 20201 min

Spinach & Feta Fritter with Smoked Salmon, Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

Fritter Topping

150g flour 200g smoked salmon

700g frozen spinach 8 eggs

100g onion, finely diced Frenchmaid Hollandaise Sauce

4 eggs

100g feta cheese

1/2 tsp cumin


To make fritters, squeeze all the water from the spinach and finely slice. In a large bowl, stir together the spinach, onion, eggs, flour and cumin. Season with pepper and salt then mix in the crumbled feta.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan. Spoon 150g of the fritter mixture into the pan to make a round fritter, cook until crisp. Cook a further three fritters and place onto warm plates.

Top each fritter with two poached eggs, smoked salmon and Frenchmaid Hollandaise Sauce.
